As an investigative journalist, I’ve authored or co-authored 12 books and written over 1,000 articles that unveil the hidden side of commerce.
Public Defender investigates tech
Technology is great, but don’t you find that more and more of your devices are getting a bit, well, irritating? To help you get better results, publishes the Public Defender column — a powerful advocate for consumer protection from tech. More info; Latest column
Market-like returns with no crashes
The book Muscular Portfolios reveals the “Holy Grail of Investing” that has only been whispered about for years. A simple computer formula, freely disclosed, gives you the same sophisticated, up-to-the-minute investing information that would otherwise cost you big bucks from Wall Street banks. Visit the site
MarketWatch covers your money
My columns at have revealed the seamy underbelly of Wall Street — financial products that subject investors to huge losses, hidden fees that you may not even know you’re paying — and, more importantly, tell you what you can do to guard against these schemes. See MarketWatch columns
StockCharts plots your strategy
Almost 100 articles at give you the newest findings on low-cost investing and how to avoid complicated and costly wealth-management expenses. The website offers free tools that anyone can use to manage their own Muscular Portfolios, as well as premium services supporting greater power and customization. See StockCharts columns
Ritholtz likes better infographics
Wealth manager and Bloomberg/Washington Post columnist Barry Ritholz recently posted two market charts, saying Charles Schwab’s was “interesting but terrible” while calling mine “a much better depiction.” Schwab version / Livingston version
Ultimate Momentum Portfolio revealed
I had the honor of moderating a seminar by MarketWatch columnist Paul Merriman (left). To mark the event, I released a whitepaper on ways to improve his strategy’s performance by several percentage points a year. Download the paper
Tweak adds shine to Morningstar
It’s easy to enhance the “bucket” strategy described by Christine Benz (left), Morningstar director of personal finance. A study I distributed at Benz’s recent talk in Seattle shows one simple step that lifts returns and cuts losses. Download the paper

Entrepreneur prize awarded
The 6th annual Internet Content Summit in New York City gave its Entrepreneur of the Year trophy to the Windows Secrets Newsletter’s pay-what-you-wish policy. This “contribution model” proved that allowing people to set their own fees actually works for online services that readers respect.
Biz journal praises donation model
Developing a profitable business on contributions alone won us kudos from the Tech Flash journalist team. The contribution model actually raised more revenue from subscribers to the Windows Secrets Newsletter than setting a fixed price of any given level. Read more